We missed Rounds 1&2 at Cadwell Park as we were busy with other things, but we were ready to go for rounds 3&4 which were to be Held at Snetterton in Norfolk.
With no testing since the last round at Oulton Park in 2009 things were going to be interesting, but with rebuilt dampers and a new set of slicks bolted on we felt we could mix it with the others.
This proved True in qualifying when we put the car on overall TVR Pole ahead of the Class A cars as well. This was unexpected but we didnt expect to keep them behind for long in the race.
This would prove correct with Dean and Hugh in the Class A cars making it past on the long back straight, carrying 10+ MPH more than us, but we were still well ahead of the other class A cars and all the Class B runners.
Towards the end of the race we were gaining on Hugh for 2nd Place, and then Dean went off with a Jammed throttle from the lead, promoting us to that second poistion. An overall win looked on the cards, but a slight smell of oil made me back off for a comfortable 2nd place and class win.
The second race was much of the same, despite a spin avoiding a Class A car and a spin on my own Catching too much Kerb at the esses. 3rd on the Road and a class win was looking on the cards untill the car cut out and rolled to a halt with 2 laps to go. A failed electrical connector providing power to the ecu proved to be the probem and after 10 mins work the car was back up and running again.
So on balance a good weekend despite the DBF in race 2